Monday, July 4, 2016

Sitting Member of Zambia's Parliament Awarded 'Cull' contract

In breaking news, questions in regard the legitimacy of the contracts awarded to 'cull' the hippos in Zambia has come to light.

Mr Jacob (Jack) Shuma, a businessman and professional hunting outfitter in the seat of Malambo (Mfuwe area), was elected in a by-election and sworn into Zambia's government on 2nd July 2015.  [1]

The ZAWA (now DNPW) contract to 'cull' hippos in the South Luangwa area was awarded to two companies, Mabwe Adventures and Mr Jack Shuma some time in November or December 2015. [2]

If Mr Shuma MP was a sitting Member of Parliament at the time, did the Minister for Tourism or the Director General of DNPW know of his personal or private interest in the 'cull'?

The burden of proof is on The Director of DNPW, Paul Zyambo and Tourism Minister Hon. Jean Kapata to disclose, in the public interest, the procedure used to award the contract, in accordance with all relevant legislation pertaining, for a government operation to a sitting member of parliament.

Is Mabwe Adventures Zambia Limited (registration number12015013436) a properly constituted Zambian Company and is one of the principles a government employee at the time the contract was awarded?

Mabwe Adventures was registered with PACRA on 21 Day of July 2015. One of the principles, Flavian Mupemo was allegedly an employee of ZAWA at the time of the transaction. Listing in the PACRA document as a Businesswoman not a businessman as is the case in the gender of, Mr Mupemo is confirmed as having been, for a considerable period of time, a paid employee of ZAWA. [3]

Another principle of Mabwe Adventures, Mr Leon Pierre Joubert is listing on the registration document as a Zambian citizen, he is however confirmed to be a South African businessman from Gauteng, ZA. Mr Joubert is the registered owner of a South African mine. Mr Joubert appears to also have an interest in (or ownership of) other tourism operations in a number of other countries on the African continent. Of note and concern is that the required document of proof recorded on the PACRA registration is what appears to be a false Zambian citizenship document number. The number provided appears to be an unknown Country of Origin passport number.

Questions as to the legitimacy of both contracted parties, Mr Jack Shuma MP and Mabwe Adventures Zambia Limited must be answered by the Department or the Ministry for the public to have faith in the legality or legitimacy of the contracts.


[2] Registered Principles of Mabwe Adventures

[3] Any intelligence regarding Mr Mupemo's employment status from 21 July 2015 to 31st December 2015 can be sent to hippowhistler [at] anonymity guaranteed.

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