Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Zambian President is Considering Stopping the Hippo Hunt

What we want His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu to say to DG of DNPW, Paul Zyambo.

On 8 July 2016 the President of Zambia, His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu was seriously questioning the Hippo *'cull' - but word is he was being resisted by The Director General of Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), Mr Paul Zyambo.

The coalition behind Hippo Whistler decided to send 700 signatures of the petition (to date 8 July) to The President. It was simultaneously delivered to both the DG of DNPW and the Minister for Tourism and copied into the President's email to assist him to make up his mind. 

No response has been received to date.

----email text----

The Hon. Jean Kapata
Minister of Tourism and Arts
National Assembly of Zambia,
Parliament Buildings,
(By email)

Mr Paul Zyambo
The Director General
Department of National Parks and Wildlife
Central Regional Office
P.O. Box 67044
Mazabuka, Zambia

CC: His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu
President of Zambia
State House
PO Box 30135

Dear Hon. Minister Jean Kapata,

Please find attached 700 signatures of concerned National and International citizens calling on your office and the Director General of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to permanently cease the so called 'cull' currently under review in the Luangwa Valley.

We the undersigned, (see Attachment 1), call on The Minister of Tourism, the Hon. Jean Kapata and the Director General of DNPW, Zambia Mr Paul Zyambo to permanently stop the hippo hunting (cull) in the Luangwa Valley.

Delivered this day, Friday 8 June 2016, via email.

Yours faithfully,

Hippo Whistler
for the 700 signatories.

The email



*The so called 'cull' is really trophy hunting... as can be read here an exercise in selling Hippo trophy licenses to foreign hunters for monetary gain.

Original image source:

Monday, July 4, 2016

Sitting Member of Zambia's Parliament Awarded 'Cull' contract

In breaking news, questions in regard the legitimacy of the contracts awarded to 'cull' the hippos in Zambia has come to light.

Mr Jacob (Jack) Shuma, a businessman and professional hunting outfitter in the seat of Malambo (Mfuwe area), was elected in a by-election and sworn into Zambia's government on 2nd July 2015.  [1]

The ZAWA (now DNPW) contract to 'cull' hippos in the South Luangwa area was awarded to two companies, Mabwe Adventures and Mr Jack Shuma some time in November or December 2015. [2]

If Mr Shuma MP was a sitting Member of Parliament at the time, did the Minister for Tourism or the Director General of DNPW know of his personal or private interest in the 'cull'?

The burden of proof is on The Director of DNPW, Paul Zyambo and Tourism Minister Hon. Jean Kapata to disclose, in the public interest, the procedure used to award the contract, in accordance with all relevant legislation pertaining, for a government operation to a sitting member of parliament.

Is Mabwe Adventures Zambia Limited (registration number12015013436) a properly constituted Zambian Company and is one of the principles a government employee at the time the contract was awarded?

Mabwe Adventures was registered with PACRA on 21 Day of July 2015. One of the principles, Flavian Mupemo was allegedly an employee of ZAWA at the time of the transaction. Listing in the PACRA document as a Businesswoman not a businessman as is the case in the gender of, Mr Mupemo is confirmed as having been, for a considerable period of time, a paid employee of ZAWA. [3]

Another principle of Mabwe Adventures, Mr Leon Pierre Joubert is listing on the registration document as a Zambian citizen, he is however confirmed to be a South African businessman from Gauteng, ZA. Mr Joubert is the registered owner of a South African mine. Mr Joubert appears to also have an interest in (or ownership of) other tourism operations in a number of other countries on the African continent. Of note and concern is that the required document of proof recorded on the PACRA registration is what appears to be a false Zambian citizenship document number. The number provided appears to be an unknown Country of Origin passport number.

Questions as to the legitimacy of both contracted parties, Mr Jack Shuma MP and Mabwe Adventures Zambia Limited must be answered by the Department or the Ministry for the public to have faith in the legality or legitimacy of the contracts.


[2] Registered Principles of Mabwe Adventures

[3] Any intelligence regarding Mr Mupemo's employment status from 21 July 2015 to 31st December 2015 can be sent to hippowhistler [at] anonymity guaranteed.

Image source:

Born Free Media Release 4 July 2016

Zambia’s on-off hippo cull on again!

Born Free calls for independent Presidential inquiry and a permanent halt to the killing

Two thousand of Africa's increasingly rare hippo, living in the wildlife haven of Zambia’s Luangwa Valley, face the renewed threat of terror and death, following a meeting held in Lusaka on Wednesday 22nd June.

Will Travers OBE, President and CEO of Born Free Foundation, stated: “Leaving aside the moral and ethical arguments and Born Free's consistent opposition to culling, we are asking for urgent clarification on a number of key issues and the publication of all scientific evidence that might support such drastic measures.”

International and Zambian opposition to the cull has been widely reported in the media.

A temporary suspension of the cull, announced on 14th June, was, according to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), to allow for “extensive consultation”. However, following the brief meeting in Lusaka on Wednesday 22nd June it now appears the hiatus is over and the cull is set to resume.

This “invitation only” meeting was called by Stephen Mwansa, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism & Arts, and Paul Zyambo, Director of DNPW. The company contracted by DNPW to carry out the cull, Mabwe Adventures, was in attendance, along with only one local stakeholder, the Luangwa Safari Association - representing safari camps and lodges in South Luangwa National Park.

Information from Zambia indicates that DNPW is now poised to push ahead with the cull of 2,000 hippos over five years using paying trophy hunters, as was recently promoted on Theo De Marillac Safaris’ website.

Why this decision has been taken, and on what basis, remains shrouded in secrecy. In light of this, Born Free Foundation wrote to the President of Zambia, His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu, on 27th June, requesting the cull be abandoned and that key information pertaining to DNPW’s justifications for the cull to be made publically available. To date, no response has been forthcoming.

Born Free Foundation, together with other wildlife conservation and animal protection organisations, believe that five critical issues still need to be addressed:

1.    DNPW has, to date, failed to provide robust, scientific evidence demonstrating that there is an overpopulation of hippos in the Luangwa River, or to make public the Government of the Republic of Zambia report that they have cited in their justification
2.    DNPW has failed to provide robust, scientific evidence clearly demonstrating that previous hippo culls in the Luangwa Valley have been successful in reducing the population over the long-term and that the culling methodology that has been proposed - targeting whole pods of hippos in the water - is humane
3.    DNPW has failed to provide rainfall and river level data showing that river levels and water flow in the Luangwa River are abnormally low and cannot sustain the current hippo population
4.    DNPW has failed to provide credible, scientific evidence to show that such an indiscriminate hippo cull would prevent a future outbreak of anthrax - not prevent the spread of an existing outbreak - as there isn't one
5.    DNPW has failed to provide categorical evidence that an approved and transparent tendering process took place in awarding the culling contract to Mabwe Adventures, of which an ex-Zambia Wildlife Authority employee, Flavian Mupemo, is a shareholder and beneficiary.

Given the highly contentious nature of culling; the unanswered questions raised above; the possible conflict of interest; and the concerns about the lack of transparency of the tendering process, Born Free Foundation is calling for the planned cull to be abandoned and for the matter to be investigated at the highest possible level by an independent inquiry, established under the auspices of The Office of The President.

Travers added: “The longer these vitally important issues go unanswered, the more the authorities come up with different and, as yet, unsubstantiated justifications for the cull, the more Zambia - one of Africa's great wildlife strongholds - will suffer lasting reputational and potentially economic damage. The independent inquiry, called for by Born Free, seems to me the only way to establish the truth and determine whether any of the claimed justifications for the cull - a measure which could see 2,000 wild hippo lose their lives - can withstand the scrutiny they deserve.”



Shirley Galligan, PR Director T: 0207 792 9668 M: 07773 848352
Beth Brooks, Press Officer T: 01403 246903 M: 07544 209256
Victoria Lockwood, PR Officer T: 01403 240170 M: 07814 284756
Notes to Editors:


About Born Free

The Born Free Foundation is a dynamic international wildlife charity, devoted to compassionate conservation and animal welfare. Born Free takes action worldwide to protect threatened species and stop individual animal suffering. Born Free believes wildlife belongs in the wild and works to phase-out zoos. We rescue animals from lives of misery in tiny cages and give them lifetime care.

Born Free protects lions, elephants, tigers, gorillas, wolves, polar bears, dolphins, marine turtles and many more species in their natural habitat, working with local communities to help people and wildlife live together without conflict. Our high-profile campaigns change public attitudes, persuade decision-makers and get results. Every year, Born Free helps hundreds of thousands of animals worldwide. For more information about Born Free please visit: